Zen’s Path to Recovery at Aster Springs

Zen’s Path to Recovery at Aster Springs

Before finding refuge at Aster Springs, Zen navigated a series of tumultuous transitions. They left another treatment facility in the months before and immediately relapsed into their eating disorder.

ZD headshot

At one point during this time, their ED escalated to the point that Zen spent their last week at home without eating at all. 

Zen realized they were an emotional wreck before finding Aster Springs, struggling to find balance and normalcy after months in another residential treatment program. They felt strange, stressed, and overwhelmed trying to adjust to life outside of a treatment facility.

Despite the chaos, Zen’s relationships were a bright spot. They had a strong support system and a chosen family who provided emotional support during this difficult time. However, the debilitating nature of their illness made it impossible for Zen to maintain a job, adding to their sense of instability and distress.

The Decision to Seek Treatment

Zen’s path to Aster Springs was largely influenced by their mother’s determination to find a solution to their worsening condition. Their eating disorder had reached life-threatening levels and drastically increased the need for professional help. Although Zen initially resisted the idea of returning to treatment, it quickly became clear that Aster Springs could provide the life-saving care they needed.

Aster Spring’s admission process was quick, transparent, and straightforward. “And the admissions staff were super honest with me about the process,” they explained. Zen’s friends, who were their main source of family-like support, were also encouraging and were allowed to visit Zen during their stay, which helped ease the transition.

After a smooth admissions process, though, Zen had a challenging first few weeks at Aster Springs. They felt unhappy and resistant to the idea of being back in a treatment facility. The transition period was difficult, and Zen found it hard to adjust to the new environment and rules. At one point, they even considered leaving against medical advice.

However, as time passed, Zen thankfully began to form connections with the staff and feel a sense of trust that had been lacking in previous treatments. “I genuinely trusted the staff to keep me okay,” said Zen. The supportive environment at Aster Springs allowed them to stop worrying about their safety, which had been a significant concern in the past. This newfound trust marked the beginning of Zen’s positive transformation. 

Finding Healing and Acceptance

One of the pivotal aspects of Zen’s recovery at Aster Springs was their relationship with their therapist, Tracy. Zen describes Tracy as one of the best therapists they have ever had. “It was helpful having someone who listened to me, challenged me, and knew how to therapeutically hold me accountable,” Zen told us. Zen also highlighted Tracy’s ability to meet them where they were emotionally and mentally. Her approach of listening, challenging, and holding Zen accountable was instrumental in their healing process.

Zen also felt genuinely cared for by the Aster Springs staff, who showed a deep commitment to their well-being beyond financial considerations. This contrasted sharply with Zen’s previous experiences in other facilities where they often felt like just another patient.

As a trans person of color with autism, Zen found Aster Springs to be a place of acceptance and understanding. They never felt out of place or undeserving of treatment. Instead, Zen was treated with grace and compassion, which made a significant difference in their ability to engage fully in their recovery journey.

Proud Alumni: A Grateful Reflection

Today, Zen feels a deep sense of pride and gratitude for being an alum of Aster Springs. Their experience stands in stark contrast to the negative treatment experiences they had in the past. “It felt like home. I was able to just exist and be comfortable without feeling like something was wrong,” said Zen. 

They also appreciate the continued support from the staff even after their treatment ended. Jess, a staff member, made it clear that Zen would not be forgotten and that they remained just as important post-treatment as they were during their stay.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, Aster Springs can offer the compassionate, personalized care needed for true healing. Zen’s journey is a powerful testament to the transformative support provided by the dedicated team at Aster Springs. 

Don’t wait—reach out today to take the first step towards recovery and reclaim a life of balance and well-being. Contact Aster Springs by phone at 804-597-6688 or find a location near you to learn more about their life-saving programs and start your journey to recovery.

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